This is one of the most common questions we receive at Feher Law. We partnered with our colleagues at Money to help you answer this important question.
Having a good credit score is an important part of your financial life. At the very least, it will affect the type of interest you’ll pay on any type of loan, from home mortgages to credit cards. At most, a low credit score will seriously impact your ability to purchase a house or a car. Yet a lot of people still have doubts as to how credit scores work and why it’s important to make sure the information contained in your credit report, which is the basis for your score, is correct.
Our friends at Money explain: what goes into your credit report, what makes up your credit score, what negatively affects your credit score, identity theft information, how to get a free copy of your credit report, and how to clear negative items from your credit report.
Read the full article HERE.